Elixir Product Vertical

Pressure Swing Adsorption Technique

Our Nitrogen and Oxygen generators are based on the Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) technology. • Development and production processes employ only components of the highest quality

Pressure Swing Adsorption Technique

Flexible system for real - time flow Measurements

The Gas Endeavour allows users to measure low gas volume and flow when there is a demand for accurate and precise measurements

Flexible system for real - time flow Measurements

Tools, instruments for forestry

The products are used for many different purposes, especially in forestry. But there are also many other areas outside the forest industry where the products are the solution.

Tools, instruments for forestry

Grind everything except Diamond

Grind everything except Diamond & Recycling un-utilized resources are our corporate mottos.

Grind everything except Diamond

Modified Atmosphere Packaging

The modified atmosphere packaging(MAP) technology relates to prolonging the organoleptic characteristics of food products without any chemical preservatives.

 Modified Atmosphere Packaging



Our expertise in Manufacturing, Research & Testing
What We Do, Our Expertise

Our expertise in Manufacturing, Research & Testing

Manufacturing - Food Packaging Machines, Tray sealers, Gas mixers, Gas analyzers, Thin film coating, DSSC, Perovskite Cell /module ✓ Strong Presence in the Research / Industries sector including Forestry Products and Friction Grinder


conception, design, manufacture and operation


contemporary, advanced automated manufacturing


electronic circuits to life in the physical form


structured design, function-oriented design


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